Master Thesis

Our group is open for motivated students to join our team as Master student!

We are a young team launching a novel laboratory at the Physics Department.
You will be fully integrated in the daily lab work as well as data analysis, and likely join a beamtime at a european synchrotron facility.

Guided by your PhD colleagues, you will learn to take over first responsibilities in the lab and perform your research project in a more and more independent manner.

What you will learn during your Master thesis:
  • the „art“ of materials design by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
  • surface science-based characterization techniques (LEED, RHEED, AFM,…)
  • state-of-the-art photon-based spectroscopy (XPS, HAXPES, ARPES) and -microscopy (HAXPEEM)
  •  operating a Kerr microscope and interpreting magnetic imaging data
  • throughout insights into ultrahigh vacuum technology
  • basic clean room procedures 
  • … and the chance to join our team for a beamtime at a european synchrotron facility  

Possible topics in 2022:
  • Oxid-Elektronik: Wie entstehen multifunktionale 2D Elektronengase? [pdf]
  •  Design magnetischer Materialien mit neuen Eigenschaften [pdf]
  •  „Green IT“: Neue ferroelektrische Datenspeicher [pdf]
  • Ultraschnelle Demagnetisierung von 3d/4f Magneten [pdf]

Please contact Prof. Dr. Martina Müller for further information.