Bachelor Thesis

Our group is seeking for motivated students to join our team as Bachelor student!

We are a young team launching a novel laboratory at the Physics Department.
You will be involved in daily lab work as well as data analysis, and may even join a synchrotron beamtime.

What you will learn in our group:

-  The „art“ of materials design by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
-  All about functional and quantum oxide materials
-  Direct probes of electronic states by different types of photoelectron emission spectroscopy (PES)
-  Atomic-scale surface characterization techniques
-  State-of-the-art ultrahigh vacuum technology
-  … and the chance to join a beamtime at a european synchrotron facility  

Possible topics:

  • Set up of a new state-of the art ultrahigh vacuum MBE system, running first test experiments (supervision by PhD students)
  • Data analysis of brand-new spectroscopy synchrotron data on ferroelectric HfO2 capacitors (supervision by a PhD student and a senior scientist)
  • Set up of a deposition chamber for preparing nanoscale electrical transport experiments (working together with PhD students)

Please contact Prof. Dr. Martina Müller for further information.